I’ve discussed the general tree in the last post. Now it is time to talk about a more specific type of tree: the binary tree.
Binary is a ordered tree, where ordered tree means that there is a meaningful linear order among the children of each node, like left and right, first and second, previous and next, etc.
1.1 Binary Tree Definition
General Definition: Binary tree is a ordered tree such that:
The maximum number of children of any node is 2.
Each child node is called either left or right node.
Regrading the order of the children nodes, left node precedes the right node.
Recursive Definition: A binary tree is:
An empty tree, or
A nonempty tree with a root node $r$ storing an element $e$, and two sub binary tree rooted at $r$ which are left subtree and right subtree respectively (subtree can be empty as well).
1.2 Binary Tree Properties
left subtree: a subtree rooted at the left child of a internal node;
right subtree: a subtree rooted at the right child of a internal node;
proper binary tree (full binary tree) : each node has zero or two children, which means each internal node has both left and right node.
improper binary tree: a binary tree that is not proper (bullshit, of course… :D)
2. Binary Tree ADT
Since a binary tree is a special type of tree, we can define a binary tree ADT by inheriting from the general tree ADT with few new methods added on:
left(p): Return the position of the left child of the node p, null if p is a leaf node;
right(p): Return the position of the right child of the node p, null if p is a leaf node;
sibling(p): Return the position of the sibling of the node p, null if p has no sibling;
Based on the Abstract Tree Base Class in th last post, we can define the Abstract Binary Tree Base Class by inheriting, as well as implementing the BinaryTree interface partially. Some methods in the BinaryTree interface are trivial, including sibling(p), numChildren(), and children(p), which can be implemented in the Abstract Tree Base Class, ans leave other high-level methods empty.
Java Implementation:
(AbstractTree abstract class imported from last post)
publicabstractclassAbstractBinaryTree<E> extendsAbstractTree<E> implementsBinaryTree<E> { public Position<E> sibling(Position<E> p) { Position<E> parent = parent(p); if (parent == null) returnnull; if (p == left(parent)) { return right(parent); } else { return left(parent); } } publicintnumChildren(Position<E> p) { intcount=0; if (left(p) != null) count++; if (right(p) != null) count++; return count; }
public Iterable<Position<E>> children(Position<E> p) { List<Position<E>> snapshot = newArrayList<Position<E>>(2); if (left(p) != null) snapshot.add(left(p)); if (right(p) != null) snapshot.add(right(p)); return snapshot; } }
4. Binary Tree Implementation
There are two popular implementations of binary tree: Linked Structure and Array-based Structure.
4.1 Linked Structure Implementation
This implementation first defines the Node inner class to represent a node in a binary tree, which maintains the some references to its contained element, its parent node, its left child, and its right child;
Then the Binary Tree class maintains a node reference to the root, as well as a integer variable to count the number of nodes in the tree;
Finally are the utility methods, including constructor, accessor methods, update method, and methods for traversing.
// Used to check Node's validity before returning it protected Node<E> validate(Position<E> p) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (!(p instanceof Node)) { thrownew IllegalArgumentException("Not valid position type"); } Node<E> node = (Node<E>) p; // safe cast !!! if (node.getParent() == null) { thrownew IllegalArgumentException("Position no longer in the tree"); } return node; }
// Return the Position of the parent of Position p, // cast Position to Node first using validate() public Position<E> parent(Position<E> p) throws IllegalArgumentException { Node<E> node = validate(p); return node.getParent(); }
// Return the Position of the left child of Position p, // cast Position to Node first using validate() public Position<E> left(Position<E> p) throws IllegalArgumentException { Node<E> node = validate(p); return node.getLeft(); }
// Return the Position of the right child of Position p, // cast Position to Node first using validate() public Position<E> right(Position<E> p) throws IllegalArgumentException { Node<E> node = validate(p); return node.getRight(); }
// Replace the element at Position p with e and // return the replaced element public E set(Position<E> p, E e)throws IllegalArgumentException { Node<E> node = validate(p); Etemp= node.getElement(); node.setElement(e); return temp; }
publicvoidattach(Position<E> p, LinkedBinaryTree<E> ta, LinkedBinaryTree<E> tb)throws IllegalArgumentException { Node<E> node = validate(p); if (isInternal(p)) { thrownewIllegalArgumentException("p is not a leaf!"); } size += (ta.size() + tb.size()); if (!ta.isEmpty()) { node.setLeft(ta.root); ta.root.setParent(node); ta.root = null; ta.size = 0; } if (!tb.isEmpty()) { node.setRight(tb.root); tb.root.setParent(node); tb.root = null; tb.size = 0; } }
public E remove(Position<E> p) throws IllegalArgumentException { Node<E> node = validate(p); if (numChildren(p) == 2) { thrownewIllegalArgumentException("p has two children"); } Node<E> child = (node.getLeft() != null) ? node.getLeft() : node.getRight(); // 1. p is a leaf if (child != null) { child.setParent(node.getParent()); } // 2. p is the root if (isRoot(p)) { root = child; } // 3. p is internal with only one child else { Node<E> parent = node.getParent(); if (node == parent.getLeft()) { parent.setLeft(child); } else { parent.setRight(child); } } size--; Eresult= node.getElement(); node.setElement(null); // GC node.setLeft(null); // GC node.setRight(null); // GC node.setParent(node); return result; }
// --- traversal methods --- public Iterator<E> iterator() { // will discuss and be implemented soon... returnnull; }
public Iterable<Position<E>> positions() { // will discuss and be implemented soon... returnnull; } }
4.2 Linked Structure Performance
Linked structure implementation deals with references instead of traversing and shifting. Thus, it has a good performance on most of the operations.
Besides, Binary Tree interface can be implemented by Array as well, which maintains a mathematical relationship between the position and the index. I will discuss it in the later section.
We still have the iterator() and positions() methods left empty. In following sections, we will discuss the binary tree traversals and their implementations accordingly. See you next time!
Goodrich, M., Tamassia, R., & O’reilly, A. (2014). Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, 6th Edition. John Wiley & Sons.
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