Java面向对象编程详细介绍 | Java OOP Detailed Introduction Made by Mike_Zhang 1. Intro1. 引入 思考: 我想把大象放进冰箱,该怎么做? 很简单。 第一步让大象走到冰箱前面; 第二步让冰箱门打开; 第三部让大象走进去并站在里面; 最后一步让冰箱门关上。 2022-07-31 #Java #学习
Binary Tree Introduction - 二叉树简介 Made by Mike_Zhang 数据结构与算法主题: 1. IntroductionI’ve discussed the general tree in the last post. Now it is time to talk about a more specific type of tree: the binary tree. 2022-07-29 #Java #数据结构 #Binary Tree
General Tree Introduction - 一般树简介 Made by Mike_Zhang 数据结构与算法主题: 1. Introduction1.1 Tree DefinitionTree is one of the most important non-linear data structures. Each element in a tree sequence has a hierarchial relationship, whic 2022-07-23 #Java #数据结构 #Tree
Java Iterator - Java 迭代器 Made by Mike_Zhang Java主题: 1. IntroLet’s first have a look at the example code of the following program: 12345678910public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<Integer> arr 2022-07-21 #Java #学习 #Iterator
List Introduction - 列表简介 Made by Mike_Zhang 数据结构与算法主题: 1. Introduction to ListList is a more general Abstract Data Type than Stack and Queue mentioned before, which has more general method in adding or removing elements 2022-07-20 #Java #数据结构 #List
2022暑期回顾 - Summer Break 2022 Review Made by Mike_Zhang 生活主题: 1. Intro1. 前言 今年我的暑期从4月30日就开始了,目前已经过了两个半月。在这一段时间中,我更新文章的频率变低了很多,前两个月内我只发布了两篇文章。这是因为在这段时间中发生了很多事,我也做了很多事,可以说是我经历过的最充实,最忙碌,最有意义的一个暑期。因此,我想借此文章记录一下其中三件最有意思的事情。 2022-07-18 #2022暑期
Queue Introduction - 队列简介 Made by Mike_Zhang 数据结构与算法主题: 1 Introduction to Queue Queue (队列) is another fundamental data structure, which is similar to the Stack A queue is a collection of objects that are inserted and re 2022-06-24 #Java #数据结构 #Queue
Sorting Algorithm Introduction - 排序算法简介 Made by Mike_Zhang 数据结构与算法主题: 1 Introduction to Sorting Algorithm Sorting is a process of arranging a sequence of elements into some logical order (e.g. increasing or decreasing order). 2022-05-25 #Java #算法 #Sorting
Stack Introduction - 栈简介 Made by Mike_Zhang 数据结构与算法主题: 1 Introduction to Stack Stack (栈) is the simplest and very important data structure. A stack is a collection of objects that are inserted and removed according to 2022-05-18 #Java #数据结构 #Stack
Algorithm Analysis Introduction - 算法分析简介 Made by Mike_Zhang 数据结构与算法主题: 1 IntroductionData Structure: a systematic way of organizing and accessing data;Algorithm: a step-by-step procedure for performing some task in a finite amount of t 2022-05-13 #Java #算法 #Algorithm Analysis #Big-O