This page is used to record the website update log, started from version 3.1.0, 2022-05-08.

version 4.1.0


version 4.0.0

2023-05-09: UltraFish v4.0 - 更新顶级域名 & 升级服务器 & 简化文章路径

  • TLD Update
  • Server Update
  • Post Path Simplification

version 3.3.1


  • [Enhancement] Redesign the banner of the website:
    • Add English labels to the banner;
    • Rearrange the sequence of the labels;
    • Change About Me to About;
    • Add Author label to the banner;

version 3.3.0


  • [Feature] Add a new Topics page. This page is used to list all the topics in UltraFish, which is generated by the docsify - documentation site generator.
  • [Feature] Update the Project & Research page which is generated by the docsify - documentation site generator.
  • [Enhancement] Each sub-page in Topics page is used as the topic part of each post with collapse.
  • [Enhancement] Hide Home and Categories page from main page.
  • [Enhancement] Update Friends page to Friends and Comments page for leaving comments.
  • [Enhancement] Update the About page;

version 3.2.1


  • [Fix] Fix the bug that MathJax formulas are not displayed in a correct font. Solved by updating all static_prefix in _config.fluid.yml to the newest version from hexo-theme-fluid/_config.yml - GitHub

version 3.2.0


  • [Feature] Add a new page named project in source/project/ with title Project & Research to record the projects and researches;
  • [Enhancement] Update the About page to update the old links;
  • [Enhancement] Modify the navigation bar to make it more clear and compact;
  • [Fix] Fix the bug in 404 page.

version 3.1.0


  • [Feature] Add a new page named log in /source/log with title Website Update Log, to record the website update log;
  • [Enhancement] Modify the /source/about page to change the Blog Website Log section name to Website Update Log;
  • [Feature] Add GPA Calculator link in Developed Project section in /source/about page;
  • [Enhancement] Modify the /source/404 page to change the background color and add two buttons.

version 3.0.0

2021-07-27: blog3.0-开发UltraFish Plus页面 & 安装SSL证书开启https & 更换主题为fluid

version 2.0.0

2020-10-15: blog2.0-部署到阿里云服务器以及更新域名

version 1.0.0

2020-07-29: 第一篇文章 “Hello UltraFisher”

Version number explanation:
For version X.Y.Z,

  • X: the major version number, including the change of blog framework, blog theme, website structure, top-level domain name, server, and any other significant changes.
  • Y: the minor version number, including the addition of new features, new pages, second-level domain name, and any other minor changes.
  • Z: the patch version number, including the bug fix, addition of small features, improvements, and any other small changes.